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Dear Abby Recommends HLAA!

Sat, 02/10/2018

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DEAR ABBY: I am a 32-year-old late-deafened adult. I have been deaf in my right ear my whole life, but lost my hearing in my left ear after a tumor was removed when I was 27. I guess they are right when they say we are never fully prepared to lose things we have taken for granted for so long. I still have trouble communicating with people. I have taken a few sign language classes and four lip reading classes but I often feel like I’m no longer part of normal society. My question is, shouldn't I have adjusted by now regarding how people see me since I have been without hearing for so long?

DEAR HEARING IMPAIRED: I have been told that the most isolating disability is being unable to hear. Please do not burden yourself by feeling you “should” have adjusted faster than you have. There is no set timetable for adjusting to any disability. Because you feel stuck in the process, the Hearing Loss Association of America may be helpful because they sponsor support groups in many state. Please check it out.

Did you read the above letter on the February 10, 2018, syndicated column by Dear Abby about hearing loss? Are you looking for more information or how to find an HLAA Chapter where you can find support in your community?

If your answer is YES, your decision to do something about your hearing health begins here.
You are not alone.

  • Are you having trouble hearing on the phone?
  • Are you bluffing about being able to hear well?
  • Are you avoiding activities that you enjoy?
  • Are you afraid to reveal your hearing loss because it might jeopardize your job?

If you answered YES to some or all of the above questions, you are not alone. One in five people in the U.S. has a hearing loss. These are common feelings and reactions but with reliable information and support you can live successfully with hearing loss.

Here are some FAQs that might give you the answers you need:


  • Visit a local HLAA Chapter
    HLAA Chapters, volunteer run, hold educational programs, present opportunities to meet others with hearing and learn about local resources, all in a hearing-friendly place.
  • Join the Hearing Loss Association of America
    Receive our magazine Hearing Life, for human-interest stories, timely information about assistive technology, research, medical advances, and HLAA’s public policy work on hearing aid compatible phones, captioning on TV and phones, hearing in airports, public places, theaters, and more.
  • Walk4Hearing
    Register today and join thousands who Walk4Hearing in communities across the country.
  • Come to the HLAA 2018 Convention, Minneapolis, June 21-24
    This is a convention just for you – people who want to hear better or live well with hearing loss. Every session has a hearing loop and is captioned. This year we feature a Research Symposium on Hearing in Noise and workshops covering many topics including hearing loss in medical settings. Anyone can attend the Trade Show & Exhibit Hall for free for the latest in technology or register onsite for a day. Out of towners can register for the full convention and make hotel reservations.
  • Sign up for the free online Hearing Life e-News
    The Hearing Life e-News gives you breaking news of the day. You will learn what the current issues are and how HLAA is working for you at the federal level.
  • Tune in to one of the HLAA Webinars, all free and captioned.
  • Contact us
    For more information or to answer any questions

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