HLAA and the Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) are working together to better serve our constituents’ needs and raise awareness of the effects of hearing loss. To get to know you better, HLAA and HHF have collaborated on a survey to learn a little more about you and your hearing loss.
The survey takes less than five minutes and your answers are completely anonymous. You can take the survey online at hhf.org/survey. If you would prefer to mail it in, that’s fine too. Simply print the survey, fill it out, and mail it to:
Hearing Health Foundation
363 Seventh Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Included in the survey are a few questions related to over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. Given that this is such a hot topic right now getting your feedback is extremely important, so take just a few minutes and give us your input today!